Monday, December 17, 2012

BIOS Familiarization for Computer Hardware Servicing NC II Students (BASIC)

              The read-only memory BIOS provides a intrinsic  Setup program that permits the user to change the fundamental system configuration and hardware parameters, Bios may be a set of routines that affects however  transfer information between computer parts, like memory, disk, and also the display adaptor. The changed information are going to be hold on in an exceedingly battery-backed CMOS, in order that the info are going to be preserved even once the ability is turned-off. In general, the knowledge saved within the CMOS RAM can keep unchanged unless there's a configuration amendment within the system, like disc drive replacement or a tool is side. During this model we tend to are mistreatment recent form of BIOS version, appearance can disagree on some Machine model particularly for the newer models.

How to get inside the BIOS Settings?

As a computer technician, based on my experiences, hitting the key on keyboard is the easiest way to get into the BIOS. Now, what are the keys? The keys depends on the types of BIOS or models you are entering with. Most used are, F2 and Del key that almost works in most of BIOS'. The F9 key almost goes to Load Optimized Defaults and F10 for Save and Exit.


The Main Menu

CMOS Features 

-commonly used for configuring Hard Drive Channels, Date, Time, Floppy Mode and Halt On.

The Advance BIOS Features

- deals with the booting process which is needed to be prioritize and for configuring various parts of your system unit. 

The Integrated Peripherals


The Power Management

The Advanced CPU Features

The PC Health Status

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