Saturday, December 8, 2012

Quick Step on how to show hidden files and folders in Windows 8

                 Windows 8 is almost like an updated windows 7. The only difference is more features are added in Windows 8. On this section I am going to teach you on how to show hidden files and folders in Windows 8.

1. Go to Windows 8 Start Screen.

2. Once you are in the start menu go now to control panel. Almost the same as in Windows 7 steps.

3. Now go to Appearance and Personalization.

4. Click on Folder Options.

5. Click on the  View Tab.

6. A two radio button appers and choose Show Hidden Files and Folders.

7. You need to Remove the checkmark from the checkbox labeled "Hide file extensions for known file types".

8. Optionally you can Remove the checkmark from the checkbox labeled Hide protected operating system files.

9. Cilck Apply button then click OK.

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